Friday, July 17, 2009

The hills are alive!

Little Larkspur

Heartleaf Arnica
(Does anyone else see the person in the right one)

Western Indian Paintbrush


The Hippies are back!

Western Meadow-rue: male

Western Meadow-rue: female


Smallflowered Anemone

Fireleaf Leptarrhena

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hiking under the watchful eye of an eagle

White Mountain Heather

Pink Mountain Heather

Yellow Mountain Heather

Monday, July 13, 2009

Evening at Sunshine

One of my favorite times to be at Sunshine Meadows is in the evening after the scheduled buses have finished for the day. I have this opportunity when a private group books an evening hike like tonight. The peace and solitude is magnificent. You can see what I mean... almost.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The many colours of Indian Paintbrush

A Perfect weekend for wildflower viewing, lots of flowers on the way down to the lower lakes (Grizzly and Larix). Check out a sampling of all the different colours of Indian Paintbrush I found in bloom today.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Join us at Sunshine meadows!

"We would like to welcome you to Sunshine Meadows. The two of us are hanging out at the lodge curious to see what you have brought for your picnic!"

"Phone up Sunshine Meadows and book your guided hike now!"

Rock Isle lake as the weather clears for a sunny weekend.

Wolf Lichen on Larch.

Sitka Valerian

Fireleaf Saxifrage

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The adage about mountain weather 'if you don't like it wait five minutes' held true today we had snow squalls, rain showers, and sunshine.

Well camouflaged Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch

Meadow of Smallflowered Anemone, the weather does not take away from wildflower viewing.

Eightpetal Mountain-avens

Wind Flower

Stormy changing weather

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Twin Cairns Meadow Park trail is in great shape and has many different wildflowers that are not found on the other trails at Sunshine Meadows.

White Marsh Marigold is blooming in the wet areas of Twin Cairns Meadow Park.

Indian Paintbrush is just starting to bloom in the Alpine. These were found along the Twin Cairns Meadow Park loop.

Sweet Coltsfoot can be found in some of the marshy areas on the Twin Cairns Meadow Park loop trail.
There are only a few more days to see the Glacier Lily's before they go to seed!